Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More incredible results with Scott Olson

As if the previous testimonial from Scott Olson, CEO of Cities Credit Union about our initial branding consultation wasn't enough, I was delighted to see the following email leap into my inbox this morning:

Hey Morriss;

I just got back from the White Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting. It was an incredible experience. We had an opportunity to talk about our business, but also say where we'd like our business to be in 6 years (it is the 6th Anniversary of the Chamber, so 6 is the number on their mind).

I got up and told them our "story". This was only the second time I've been to a Chamber meeting - last month was our first time. Usually there's always a little reservation from the Chamber members. I'm sure they've seen a lot of businesses come and go. I told them who we were, who we are, and who we hope to be. I told them of our total commitment to the WBL area and that we're not in competition with the banks and mortgage companies that were in attendance. I told them that no one does car loans like we do. Suddenly, it was like a door was opened. Everyone started nodding and I think that if we were in church they would have shouted "AMEN!"

They thanked me and I sat down. After that, people started repeating our story. They used our story to promote their own business. One gentleman said he sent his buddy here for a car loan as we had "that reputation". He said that what I said was exactly right...we do car loans like no one else. After that, someone else "used our story" and they said that Cities Credit Union does have a car loan niche. Like our niche, they have a niche in Financial Planning.

People were telling our story. It was easy, natural and as long as they knew I wasn't trying to step into their territory, they were huge fans of us. I even got invited to lunch with an area banker (the guy that sent his buddy over here) and I also got invited to a Chamber "non-compete group". There is a bank that is part of the non-compete group, but since our story didn't compete with theirs, they saw no reason why I shouldn't be part of the group.

What you've found out about us and what you've taught us to do is exactly correct. It really works!!

Scott R Olson
Cities Credit Union

Wow! I'm still just giddy that we've been able to help this credit union in this way! I'm so excited our continued branding work with them and for the heights that I know this dedicated credit union team will reach!


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